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​Cihat Şen, ​Nicola Volpe

Cecilia Villalain, Daniel Rolnik, M. Mar Gil

Managing Editors
Murat Yayla

Statistics Editor
Resul Arısoy

Author Guidelines

The manuscripts should be prepared for one of the following article categories which are peer-reviewed:
• Original Article
• Case Report
​• Review
• Technical Note
• Letter to the Editor
In addition, the journal includes article categories which do not require a peer review process but are prepared by the Editorial Board or consist of invited articles, titled as:
• Editorial
• Opinion
• Report
• Abstracts
• Announcements
• Erratum
• Clinical Guidelines
Manuscript Evaluation
All submissions to the Perinatal Journal must be original, unpublished, and not under the review of any other publication. This is recorded by the system automatically with the IP number, the date and time of submission. On behalf of all authors the corresponding author should state that all authors are responsible for the manuscripts. The name, date, and place of the relevant meeting should be stated if the submission is a work that was previously presented in a scientific meeting.

All manuscripts that are submitted to the Perinatal Journal are first subjected to technical evaluation in terms of conformance to the journal’s manuscript rules and plagiarism at the preliminary evaluation. Following this initial evaluation, manuscripts that are within the scope of the journal undergo double-blind peer review. For more detailed information about the Editorial Policy for peer review process of the journal please click here.
Ethical Issues
All manuscripts presenting data obtained from studies involving human subjects must include a statement that the written informed consent of the participants was obtained and that the study was approved by an institutional ethics board or an equivalent body. This institutional approval should be submitted with the manuscript. Authors of case reports must submit the written informed consent of the subject(s) of the report or of the patient’s legal representatives for the publication of the manuscript. All studies should be carried out in accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, covering the latest revision date. Patient confidentiality must be protected according to the universally accepted guidelines and rules.

Manuscripts reporting the results of experimental studies on animals must include a statement that the study protocol was approved by the animal ethics committee of the institution and that the study was conducted in accordance with the internationally accepted guidelines, including the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights, European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes, Principles of Laboratory Animal Science, and the Handbook for the Care and Utilization of Laboratory Animals.

The authors are strongly requested to send the approval of the ethics committee together with the manuscript. In addition, manuscripts on human and animal studies should describe procedures indicating the steps taken to eliminate pain and suffering.
The authors should also disclose all issues concerning financial relationship, conflicts of interest, and competing interest that may potentially influence the results of the research or scientific judgment. All financial contributions or sponsorship, financial relations, and areas of conflicts of interest should be clearly explained in the relevant step of the submission process, with full assurance that any related document will be submitted to the journal when requested.
Perinatal Journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and observes the following principles of Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement which is based on the recommendations and guidelines for journal editors developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Council of Science Editors (CSE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
For the details of journal Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement please click here.
Manuscript Preparation
In addition to the rules listed below, manuscripts to be published in the Perinatal Journal should be in compliance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals published by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) of which latest version is available at
Authors are requested to ensure that their manuscript follows the appropriate guidelines such as CONSORT for randomized controlled trials, STROBE for observational studies, STARD for diagnostic accuracy studies, and PRISMA for systematic reviews and meta-analyses, for the study design and reporting if applicable.
Authorship and Length of Texts
The author(s) must declare that they were involved in at least 3 of the 5 stages of the study stated in the “Acknowledgement of Authorship and Transfer of Copyright Agreement” as “designing the study”, “collecting the data”, “analyzing the data”, “writing the manuscript” and “confirming the accuracy of the data and the analyses”. Those who do not fulfill this prerequisite should not be stated as an author.

Each author should also submit his/her ORCID ID besides the classical personal data such as affiliation.
Original research articles base on clinical or experimental studies. The main text should not exceed 2500 words (max. 16 pages), and a maximum of six authors is advisable.
Case reports should illustrate interesting cases including their treatment options. The main text should not exceed 2000 words (max. 8 pages), and a maximum of five authors is advisable. 
Opinion articles: Only by invitation and should be no more than 2000 words long (max. 8 pages). 
Review articles: Only by invitation and should be no more than 4000-5000 words long (max. 20 pages). 
Technical notes aims to present a newly diagnostic or therapeutic method. They should not exceed 2000 words (max. 8 pages) and include a maximum of 10 references.
Letters to the Editor should be no more than 500 words long (max. 2 pages) and include a maximum of 10 references.
Sections in the Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be designed in the following order: title, abstract, main text, references, and appendix (tables, figures, drawings, pictures, videos, patient forms, surveys etc.).
The title of the manuscript should be carefully chosen to better reflect the contents of the study. No anusual abbreviations should be used in the title of the manuscript.
Abstracts should not contain any abbreviation and references. They should be prepared under following designs.
—  Abstracts of Original Research Articles should be max. 250 words and structured in four paragraphs using the following subtitles: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Following the abstract, each abstract should include max. five keywords separated with comma and written in lower cases.
—  Abstracts of Case Reports should be max. 125 words and structured in three paragraphs using the following subtitles: Objective, Case, Conclusion. Following the abstract, each abstract should include max. three keywords separated with comma and written in lower cases.
—  Abstracts of Review Articles should be max. 300 words and presented not structured in one paragraph. Following the abstract, each abstract should include max. five keywords separated with comma and written in lower cases.
—  Abstracts of Technical Notes should be max. 125 words and structured in three paragraphs using the following subtitles: Objective, Technique, Conclusion. Following the abstract, each abstract should include max. three keywords separated with comma and written in lower cases.
Main text
The sections in main text are defined according to the manuscript type.
—  In Original Research Articles, main text should consist of sections titled as "Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion". Each title may have subtitles. The categories of subtitles should be clearly defined. 
The Introduction section should include a brief summary of the base of the work and clearly states the purpose of the study.
The Methods section should contain a detailed description of the material, the study design and clinical and laboratory tests, and statistical methods used. A statement regarding the ethical issues should also be given in this section.
The Results section should provide the main findings of the study. Data should be concisely presented, preferably in tables or graphs.
The Discussion section should mainly rely on the results derived from the study, with relevant citations from the most recent literature.
The Conclusion section should briefly and claearly present the conclusions derived from the results of the study. It should be in compliance with the aim of the work and and point out its application in clinical practice.
— In Case Reports, main text should be divided with the titles "Introduction, Case(s), Discussion". Reported case(s) should be introduced clearly including the case story, and the results of laboratory tests should be given in table format as far as possible.
—  The text of the Review Articles should follow the "Introduction" and be organized under subtitles which should clearly define the text's context categorization. The reviews are expected to include wide surveying of literature and reflect the author's personal experiences as far as possible.
—  The text of the Technical Note type of articles should be divided into "Introduction, Technic, Discussion". The presented technic should be defined briefly under the related title, and include illustrations or figures as soon as possible.
—  Letters to the Editor should not have titled sections. If there is a citation about a formerly published article within the text, reference(s) should be provided.
References used in the text should be directly related to the topic, as recent as possible and in enough numbers. They should be numbered in square brackets in the order in which they are mentioned in the text including Tables and Figures. Citation order should be checked carefully.
Only published articles or articles in press can be used in references. Unpublished data including conference papers or personal communications should not be used. Papers published in only electronic journals or in the preprint or online first issues of the electronic versions of conventional periodicals should be absolutely presented with DOI (digital object identifier) numbers.
Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus. All authors if six or fewer should be listed; otherwise, the first six and “et al.” should be written.
Direct use of references is strongly recommended and the authors may be asked to provide the first and last pages of certain references. Publication of the manuscript will be suspended until this request is fulfilled by the author(s).
The style and punctuation should follow the formats outlined below:
— Standard journal article: Hammerman C, Bin-Nun A, Kaplan M. Managing the patent ductus arteriosus in the premature neonate: a new look at what we thought we knew. Semin Perinatol 2012;36:130–8. 
— Article published in an electronic-only journal: Lee J, Romero R, Xu Y, Kim JS, Topping V, Yoo W, et al. A signature of maternal anti-fetal rejection in spontaneous preterm birth: chronic chorioamnionitis, anti-human leukocyte antigen antibodies, and C4d. PLoS One 2011;6:e16806. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0011846
— Book: Jones KL. Practical perinatology. New York: Springer; 1990. p. 112–9.
— Chapter in a book: Moore TR, Hauguel-De Mouzon S, Catalano P. Diabetes in pregnancy. In: Creasy RK, Resnik R, Greene MF, Iams JD, Lockwood CJ, Moore TR, editors. Creasy and Resnik’s maternal-fetal medicine: principles and practice. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders-Elsevier; 2014. p. 988–1021.
Figures and tables
All illustrations (photographs, graphics, drawings, etc.) accompanying the manuscript should be referred to as “figure”. All figures should be numbered consecutively and mentioned in the text. Figure legends should be added at the end of the text as a separate section. Each figure should be prepared as a separate digital file in “jpeg” format, with a minimum 300 dpi or better resolution. All illustrations should be original. Illustrations published elsewhere should be submitted with the written permission of the original copyright holder. For recognizable photographs of human subjects, written permission signed by the patient or his/her legal representative should be submitted; otherwise, patient names or eyes must be blocked out to prevent identification. Microscopic photographs should include information on staining and magnification.  
Each table should be prepared on a separate page with table heading on top of the table. Table heading should be added to the main text file on a separate page when a table is submitted as a supplementary file.
For a swift peer review, Perinatal Journal operates a web-based submission, peer review and manuscript tracking system. Authors are required to submit their articles online.
Submission checklist
The following list will be useful during the final check of a manuscript before submission:
1.         Manuscript length (max. 4000 words for original research articles)
2.         Number of authors (max. six authors for original research articles)
3.         Title page (no anusual abbreviations)
4.         Abstracts (max. 250 words for original research articles)
5.         Key words (max. five keywords for original research articles)
6.         Main text (subtitles)
7.         References (listed according to the rules of ICMJE)
8.         Appendices such as tables, figures, drawings, pictures, videos, patient forms, surveys etc. (numbering; legends and headings; copyright info/permission)
9.       Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Statement (if necessary)
Open Data Policy
Data that is integral to the paper must be made available in such a way as to enable readers to replicate, verify and build upon the conclusions published in the paper. Any restriction on the availability of this data must be disclosed at the time of submission.

Open Access Policy & Copyright
To promote the development of global open access to scientific information and research, the journal provides immediate open access to its content. The Journal provides copyrights of all published papers (except where otherwise noted) for free use of readers, scientists, and institutions (such as link to the content or permission for its download, distribution, printing, copying, and reproduction in any medium, without any changing and except the commercial purpose), under the terms of CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License, provided the original work is cited. To get permission for commercial purpose please contact the publisher. All published materials will become the sole property of, and will be copyrighted by Perinatal Journal. Therefore, “Acknowledgement of Authorship and Transfer of Copyright Agreement” presented by manuscript submission system should be approved by the authors during the submission
Privacy Statement
By the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, the names and e-mail addresses submitted to this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of Perinatal Journal will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.